Affirming Identity and Diversity through Books in Students' Home Languages

  • School Year: 2024-2025
  • Applicants: Kimberlee O'Connell, Lead Applicant
  • School: Charter Oak
  • Subjects: Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Emotional Learning, Diversity/Equity

Our school is very fortunate to have a very diverse population, with families representing many countries, cultures and home languages. Incorporating books in students' home languages into classrooms advances equity, supports language acquisition, and most importantly supports representation in our classrooms. Access to books and other materials in children's home languages can provide comfort in new surroundings, boost a child's identity and sense of belonging, and nurture a sense of pride in one's culture. Furthermore, when a classroom has books in students' home languages, it shows that all languages are important and should be celebrated. This fosters a greater sense of belonging, comfort, and inclusivity. It also encourages open-mindedness and the opportunity to consider others' perspectives and experiences.

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