Carol Robbin Memorial Grant: What is America? - History and Storytelling through Art
- School Year: 2024-2025
- Applicants: Maggie Sullivan, Lead Applicant & Hera Butt
- School: King Philip Middle School
- Subjects: Visual Arts, Language Arts, Social Studies, Diversity/Equity
To align with the Human Rights and Social Issues units in Social Studies and Language Arts and enhance the Common Core ELA curriculum, students will visit the New Britain Museum of Art’s “What is America?” art exhibit and engage in a studio experience that will allow them to create a visual perspective on a social issue. Through the interactive art museum visit, students will examine the ways that artists weave narratives and tell history through their art. This experience will engage students by: understanding multimedia narratives; providing visuals for fictional and informational texts students have read in class; communicating visually (in pictures, images, and writing) their understanding of human rights and social issues.