Dr. Robert and Glady's Dunn Grant: Adventurer in the House!
- School Year: 2018-2019
- Applicants: Joshua Satlof, Lead Teacher, Alisha Mayer, Matt Bannon
- School: King Philip Middle School
- Subjects: Language Arts, Social Studies
This grant will allow seventh graders at King Philip Middle School to get to know and work with Michael Benanav, an author, adventurer, and photographer whose work focuses on nomadic peoples across the world; perhaps most importantly, Mr. Benanav is a graduate of West Hartford Public Schools and is a great example of a West Hartford education. Mr. Benanav will visit the school and educate the students about his work, specifically describing his work in India, which directly aligns to a curriculum standard in the 7th grade. There will be a variety of presentation styles in place with this grant including small-group style, lectures, and time with students at lunch. Finally, after being a part of this grant, students will be empowered to take action to better the world around them and look for ways to get involved just as their fellow West Hartford-educated adventurer has done.