Frankie and Bob Goldfarb Grant: Salsa - A Dance and a Way of Life

  • School Year: 2023-2024
  • Applicants: Pilar del Cacho, Lead Applicant & Maria DiPoi (Conard High School)
  • School: Hall High School
  • Subjects: Music, Social Studies, World Language, Social Emotional Learning, Diversity/Equity

Salsa: A Dance and a Way of Life is a grant which allows Hall High school students to visit the Garage Dance Studio in New Britain to learn about the origin, evolution and relevance of salsa music in the context of Latin American culture in the US, and receive salsa dance instruction from local instructor and choreographer Willie Rios. To align with the curricular theme of the "Beauty and Aesthetics", this grant promotes understanding of culture, self expression, pride, group work and inclusion. As a part of the extension to this activity, students will pass on this important aspect of the culture and way of life by teaching younger students, and sharing in the joy of music and movement.

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