Heather Congdon Memorial Grant: First Grade Science
- School Year: 2020-2021
- Applicants: Catherine Woods, Lead Teacher & Daniela Sturm, Lisa Horan
- School: Aiken
- Subjects: Science
Local science centers in Connecticut have created virtual programs that directly correspond to the West Hartford Science curriculum and the National Science Standards. Students in the first grade at Aiken will participate in three of these virtual programs beginning in February and finishing in April. These programs will produce an excitement for learning and a much-needed change to classroom instruction during this unprecedented year. During the first program, students will see how vibrations make sound, see how it moves, and hear a sonic boom. Then they will also experience a live multimedia interactive show on the Life of Plants that will include real-time, explanation-based demonstrations and handouts for students to follow along during the show or participate in live games. The third program, Animal Adaptations & Habitats, will introduce students to the Wildlife Sanctuary animals and explore the unique ways they have adapted to meet their specific needs. Students will compare similarities and differences between mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.