Jack Darcey Memorial Grant: Individualized Interactive Viewing - EL GRAN HOTEL

  • School Year: 2023-2024
  • Applicants: Michelle Nicklas, Lead Applicant and Carmen Irizzary
  • School: Hall High School
  • Subjects: World Language, Social Emotional Learning, Diversity/Equity

In Hall High School, students will receive access to an individualized instruction platform by viewing and interacting with a high action, romantic drama and suspense series. Especially interesting to the students is the authentic setting as the series was filmed at the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander, Spain. Also interesting is the time period, set in an early 20th century aristocratic hotel during the reign of Alfonso XIII. Not to be overlooked is the plot: sinuous stories centered on the mysteries that involve the owner's family and the hotel servants. The content provokes student discussion of comparative social interactions as well as guesses at the mysteries of the missing pieces. Through only Spanish, both engaging and comprehensible input, students eagerly read vocabulary and summaries and confidently answer comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary questions, receiving immediate and personalized feedback on their progress in 2-4 minute bites.

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