Keck Family Grant: Peace, Love, and Unity: A Multi-Perspective Journey Through Hip Hop Culture
- School Year: 2015-2016
- Applicants: Glenn Horowitz, Lead Teacher Melissa Zych, Penelope Drown
- School: Charter Oak
- Subjects: Visual Arts, Music, Physical Health Education
This 5-day in residence program at Charter Oak Elementary School will allow every student to participate in an engaging, energetic, and educational journey through the hip hop movement. Hip hop, as creative movement, will be explored in physical education class, while students concurrently explore hip hop as a musical genre and culture in vocal music class and a form of visual composition in art class. After studying graffiti, its connections with hip hop, and artistic qualities of this form of art, students will be challenged to create their own unique lettering styles, and character drawings known as “Urban Art”. They will incorporate technology strategically, to enable them to communicate more effectively with their chosen audience. Families will be involved through the “Family Dance Night”, our daily video announcements, and monthly assemblies. This program and unit will demonstrate our collaborative school culture through culturally relevant teaching. The trans-disciplinary nature of this experience will strengthen the value placed on open mindedness, communication, and creative thinking.