Langsner Family Grant: Wingmasters~ Appreciating Native American Culture and Birds of Prey

  • School Year: 2019-2020
  • Applicants: Adrianne Giammatteo, Lead Teacher & Nora Brown
  • School: Charter Oak
  • Subjects: Language Arts, Science, Social Studies

Julie Ann Collier, in-residence raptor rehabilitor, will visit 3rd grade inquirers at Charter Oak International Academy for two captivating programs. First, third graders will dive into the Native American culture through artifacts, such as shields, headdresses, clothing, jewelry, bead work, quill work and basketry. In addition, third grade students will meet at least five live, rehabilitated birds of prey, or raptors - including eagles, hawks, falcons & owls. These experiences, not available through books or internet research, will truly bring learning to life!

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