Rob and Tiffany Grossman Grant: Roots of Government
- School Year: 2018-2019
- Applicants: Gina Navarra, Lead Teacher, Rebecca Behlman
- School: Charter Oak
- Subjects: Language Arts, Social Studies
This grant will allow 4th graders at Charter Oak International Academy to visit the Connecticut Historical Society (CHS) followed by a visit to the State Capitol to meet with local government representatives and a tour of the legislative o?ces at the State Capitol. This aligns with the 4th grade social studies unit of study on Connecticut Government. The program at CHS involves the students electing a governor, a live demonstration of how courts work and learning the process of legislative debate. After the CHS program, the students will travel to the State Capitol for a meeting with a
local legislative representative to discuss how a government provides basic services to its constituents and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.