Stacy Murray Family Grant: Healthy Hearts & Hip Hop Art
- School Year: 2016-2017
- Applicants: Victoria Reynolds, Lead Teacher
- School: Aiken
- Subjects: Visual Arts, Music, Language Arts, Physical Health Education
During a five day residency program at Aiken Elementary School professional hip hop artist and founder of the Red Supreme professional dance troupe, Austin Daly, will provide age appropriate instruction to all students in grades Pre-K through 5 on the art and health of hip hop dancing. The goals are to promote healthy lifestyle choices, creativity and self-expression by providing students with developmentally appropriate opportunities to experience firsthand the energy, creativity and personal expression, music and visual art. The culminating activity of the program is an all school and community dance event. Mr. Daly will perform modern hip hop dances with members of his troupe and all students will be given the opportunity to perform their creative hip hop routines.