Thomas and Cornelia Ford Memorial Grant: Planting the Seeds of Change

  • School Year: 2020-2021
  • Applicants: Teacher of the Year Finalist ~ Lori Durocher
  • School: Norfeldt
  • Subjects: Language Arts

Weekly critical conversations will take place with the support of age appropriate, read-aloud materials to engage the youngest learners in open discussion. The goal of these conversations is to address implicit bias; discuss feelings and perceptions and gather information to propel student learning and social equity through literature. As this is a social learning project, simple interest / attitude surveys will be administered in the beginning and end of the project using pictoral data (drawings). I am hopeful that “Planting Seeds of Change in Young Learners” will be an example of purposeful critical thinking and problem solving models that support respecting and embracing difference and taking action agains bias and unfairness.

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