Grant Application Portal Instructions

Log into the Grant Application portal at: and follow instructions in the yellow box 

Once logged in, you are the lead applicant.

As the lead applicant, you are responsible for the content of the application and are the only person able to edit and submit this application. 


From the light gray task bar (pictured below), you can:
1. View “Grant Instructions”
2. View “Archived Applications” - these are applications you have submitted in past years beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.
3. View "My Applications" - these are the current 2024-2025 application you are working on.
4. Log Out - Remember to save your work before you logo out

To start your application, click "Start New Application"



To complete the application, fill out each tab - Applicants, Project Details, Mission Alignment, Project Description, Project Summary, Budget and Final Checklist.

Click green “Save Changes” button often as changes are NOT made automatically.

Please note - When you save changes, you will be brought back to the “Applicants” tab. 


Important: - Information on the applicants tab will be hidden from grant readers.   However, for the rest of the application, do NOT use a school, teacher, or any name that identifies your school or program (ie: REACH, School Engagement (SEP), STRIVE, etc.) as grants are read blindly by the grant reading teams. 

Click to add additional applicants as needed.

The Status section (below shown below as 8% complete) is visible from any tab to show your progress.


Click on “View Progress” to see a list of information still required to complete the application. This is particularly helpful when you believe the application is complete and the status has not changed to "Ready for Review".


Once the application is 100% complete, the status will change to "Ready for Review" 

Click the “Send Review Email” link directly under the status bar.  This will bring you to a page which shows who will receive an email containing your application for review (principal, co-applicants and you will also have an opportunity to add other emails should you wish others to review your application). Click "Send Review Emails" button at the bottom of the page. 


The status of your application will change to "Ready to Submit".   From here, you will have the opportunity to edit the application by clicking "continue application".  Or, if application is complete, click green “Review and Submit” button.


After you click on “Review and Submit”, you will be prompted to review the application one last time.


Once the application is ready for submission, click “Submit Grant Application” at the bottom of the application. 

Your application will be emailed to you and the status will change to “Submitted to the Foundation for WHPS.


Grant applications will be reviewed in May. You will be notified of the status of your grant application before summer break. For grants awarded, you will see the “Submit Final Report” button associated with each awarded grant. Once the grant has been in action in the 2024-2025 school year, log back in to complete the final report. The final report is similar to the grant application process in that you can save your work and log back to complete and submit.

Thank you for all you do for WHPS students!!!